How well our work reflects our community depends on a dialogue between us.  As such, MRCDC is committed to inclusive and transparent development processes to ensure this.

In 2020, we are introducing several ways to do this:

1.  Downtown Development Standards – MRCDC is embarking on a process to determine a set of “Downtown Development Standards,” which will inform choices made relating to the properties in the Lower Chartiers Avenue business district that the MRCDC owns or has site control over.

These standards will be largely influenced by community input, so please provide yours at a future outreach session or by filling out a survey online: www.mckeesrocks.com/survey

2.  Vacant Property Task Force – as an outcome of the 2019 vacant property plan and subsequent town hall, we are leading in forming a task force comprised of local residents to focus on the issue of vacant property in our town.  If you are interested in participating, please call Taris Vrcek at (412) 331-9900 or via email at tvrcek@mckeesrocks.com

3.  Other topics – if you have an idea or thought on another topic, we want to hear from you! Also, if you ‘d like to meet or have us present on a particular topic to your group, please indicate that in your correspondence: Contact Us Here.