Annemarie Malbon | MRCDC
Central to the mission and vision of McKees Rocks Community Development Corporation (MRCDC), is like other organizations throughout the country, working to develop the Sto-Rox community as a ‘complete community.’
That starts with understanding what our resident’s needs and desires are. As such, MRCDC is engaged in two concurrent outreach efforts that will be bringing volunteers from the community to your doorstep and in the places you frequent.
One of the surveys focuses on quality of housing and properties in residential neighborhoods.
The other, in partnership with Focus On Renewal (FOR), centers on a more in-depth conversation as to the everyday quality of life for individuals and families. Experiences encountered by our specialists while performing this second survey will be shared in next month’s issue.
Information from both will be used to identify, and link residents with needed health, education and related resources. These results also will help us build ‘one-on-one’ relationships, and accelerate residential revitalization and home ownership programs.
This data also will contribute to the larger effort being undertaken by MRCDC, FOR, the Sto-Rox Family Health Center, and other community partners to enhance the quality of life for residents.
Staff and volunteers from the MRCDC have already begun surveying houses and residents in the area between Singer Avenue, Chartiers Avenue, and Rosamond Street. We will be continuing to survey in other areas in the Sto-Rox community, too. You will receive a letter from the MRCDC notifying you before surveyors are expected in your area. Additionally, you will be able to recognize us by the name tag we wear with the MRCDC logo.
If you have any questions or concerns or would be interested in helping with the residential survey planned for your area, contact Annemarie Malbon by phone, at (412) 331-9900, or by email,